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Why translation is more indispensable than ever.

by Aug 9, 2022Blog, Language translation

It is no lie that society as we know it can’t function without translators. Translation has served humanity throughout history, namely for human relations and the expansion of cultures. As for the present day, we are exposed to information every day that is either the product of translation or has been translated into other languages. It is an activity that is constantly happening in the background, and there is no denying how present and in-demand it is. But we may ask ourselves, why is it becoming a more treasured asset?

Globalisation is increasing the need for communication between countries.

Companies are becoming more international as they establish bases in different countries. These overseas businesses can only grow if they serve in the customers’ native language. This urge to operate in different languages means investment in quality translation services is vital. In order to attract a more international customer base, there is the need to break the language barrier. The way to go about that is to hire expert translators that can professionally handle language pairs.

We live in an era of information overload.

The spread of knowledge, ideas, content, and discoveries is easier and quicker thanks to the internet and the popularity of social media. This information can only reach a wider audience across the world if it is translated. Communication should be universal regardless of anybody’s native language, and a measure of intellectual progress around the world is the accessibility of knowledge, which is unaided without translation. Professional translators are the portals and key players in maintaining the international current of information alive.

Translation improves travel and tourism.

If a tourist visits a foreign country where menus, travel brochures, advertisements, contracts, and signboards are available in different languages, it establishes confidence and comfort in them. What’s more, if the translation into the target language is accurate and efficient to a professional standard, it creates trust in the quality of the services. This multi-lingual presence makes a country or a business more approachable and user-friendly, which ultimately aids the purpose of tourism.

Translation helps tourism.
Flag representing multiple countries.

AI translation technology is revolutionary but not flawless.

AI translation software is a go-to choice for many people due to its efficiency and handiness. To understand the general meaning of a text, they may be useful. However, in many cases, they are far from faultless, as they can produce embarrassing miscommunications. These messages lost in translation are indeed avoidable, and human skills are the answer to that. What makes human translation such a privilege, in contrast to AI, is that it takes into account the deeper complexities and more subtle differences between the two languages. That way, we avoid humiliating literal translations. Definitely, when it comes to linguistic accuracy, human reason is preferable to computer algorithms.

These are just a handful of reasons why language translation is a powerful tool that not only is a commodity but also a must. Here at Dayax Translate, we have a selection of experienced translators with all the skills that make translation so indispensable for any need.

By Lorena Christine